Tag: Printmaking

The Balance Keeper

The Balance Keeper is a set of relief prints I created in autumn of 2020. My concept and process for this project were inspired by a saprotrophic fungus called Stereum ostrea, also known as false turkey-tail and golden curtain crust.

Pictured: linocut prints of a dragon resembling a mushroom-covered log, hand-printed onto handmade mushroom paper and store bought multimedia paper. 12×9”.
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Mycopaper Monoprints

The following works are some of my earliest explorations into printmaking, done in the fall of 2020. Each print was made on my handmade mushroom paper, using a combination of trace and stencil monoprinting techniques (with occasional paint or glue touch-ups necessitated by the fragile, textured surface of the mycopaper).

Mushroom spirit
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Broadside Design: Press Here

I recently had the pleasure of digitally designing a broadside poster to promote Press Here: Atlanta Printmakers’ Process 2020, which is an exhibition showing in the Dalton Gallery at Agnes Scott College. Press Here centers artists’ responses to the events of 2020, in particular the personal and cultural effects of the pandemic, as well as the collective revolt against police brutality and the oppression of folks who are BIPoC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) in this country and across the world. Here is a link to the gallery’s description of the show.

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